Saturday, March 26, 2011

Love a Bake Sale!

So tomorrow morning our church is having a bake sale to help the youth pay for different trips and camps.  I love bake sales.  I can go nuts making things, and not have them sitting around my house, and it helps a good cause. 

This bake sale was good timing as well.  Some good friends had ordered a cake to celebrate their children being baptized.  Unfortunately I got a call this morning that their baby girl has RSV and brochitis and was in the hosptial for low oxygen levels because she was so congested.  Poor thing!  I feel so bad for them, I'm sure they are all exhausted.  I had only baked the cake,  I hadn't decorated it, so I probably could have frozen them for another day, but I really like to do fresh cakes.  Bake sale is a perfect opportunity to finish the cake and put it towards a good cause.  It's a vanilla cake with and homemade raspberry whipped cream filling.  I'll make new cakes when everyone is healthy again and be happy to do it.

Boxed up and ready to go!

The other thing I've been wanting to make is sort of a deconstructed key lime pie cupcake.  I made graham cracker cupcakes, then a no bake (but not boxed) key lime pie filling.  Then just a basic vanilla icing.  This seemed like a good time to break out the rum vanilla I made as well.  They turned out so yummy, though I want to make it with key lime juice next time.  I had to cheat and just use regular limes.  My parents live in Florida, so I've already asked my Mom to bring or send key lime juice.  Or key limes.  I'm good with either. 

Periodically I watch Cupcake Wars.  I know, you're shocked.  : )  One thing I see them do is 'core' the cupcake, then add the filling.  I've tried this, but you have to eat plain cupcake before you get to any fillling.  When I took a Wilton decorating class, the kit included tip 230, for the express purpose of filling cupcakes.  I love it.  It gets fillling into nooks and crannies, so you get more filling stuffed in there, and you get filling in most bites. 

Last thing I made biscuits.  (These are not for the bake sale.)They are supposed to be breath freshening.  Firstly, we'll see if the dog likes them, then we'll see if they improve his breath.  Cause he is a loving dog who really likes to be close to his people

Fingers crossed!

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