Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm a Winner!

Check me out!
We have good friends who are very involved in a Scottish society, , and every year they celebrate Robert Burns,  Every year there is a dessert contest, and like I wouldn't enter a dessert contest. 

I made a "red" velvet cake, but instead of red I made it purple to go with the scottish thistle design I planned to do on the outside of the cake.  And of course, cream cheese frosting, my favorite!

To change things up a bit, I decided to make my own fondant and utilize that.  Initially it was a little too fragile, but I added more powdered sugar to remove some of the moisture and was able to get the cake covered. 

I had been pondering how to do a scottish thistle design, or maybe a 3D thistle out of gum paste.  I looked through Google images to give myself inspiration, and happened upon thistle jewelry, which helped me figure out a flat design.

I was pretty happy with how it turned out, but have additional ideas for my next opportunity. 

I always have it's getting the skill and experience to truly make them happen.

I would also like to thank my baking assistant.  He's a good helper, and all I have to do to reward him for his assistance is let him have one beater.  Though my preference would have been that he not lick the beater while inside one of my pop up hampers...
Note to self...this one is now for dirty clothes only....


  1. Nice and informative blog. All those who understand and appreciate the sweetness of Fondant, we have a variety of collections of Fondant cakes in Indore.
